
Federico from Italy

Posted on 2024.07.06

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The service provided was very good and our guide was excellent. :The name of the guide is Mie.  

Bibiana from Spain

Posted on 2024.07.06

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Kiyo estuvo con nosotros muchísimo tiempo, siempre con una sonrisa y dispuesto a resolver todas nuestras dudas. Habla español fenomenal, además tiene mucho sentido del humor. Fue el mejor guía que podíamos tener para nuestros primeros días en Tokio. Conocimos la cultura japonesa de primera mano y la experiencia en un restaurante de Kaiseki fue una entrada por todo lo alto en Japón, me encantó porque seguramente nosotros solos no hubiéramos ido a un lugar con ese encanto. Kiyo un 10 de 10! Gracias por tu generosidad y simpatía. En España tienes ti casa. Servicio eficiente y rápido. Gracias por vuestro trabajo. :The name of the guide is Kiyotoshi.

Phil from United States

Posted on 2024.07.06

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Yumiko toured us around the Senso-Ji temple area, explaining both the Buddhist and Shinto customs and the history of the area. She seemed to know everything! Without her knowledge and timely patter, it just would not have been the same. Second experience was lunch at Tansouan Kenjirou, a local restaurant with no tourists except us! Yumiko was personable, knowledgeable, and clearly had fun dragging us around! If she is like TFGs other guides, you have a fantastic organization. Many thanks! Will recommend to others! :The name of the guide is Yumiko.

Giovanni from Italy

Posted on 2024.07.06

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It was amazing to know a free guide of Tokyo for understand the Japan culture, have lunch and ride the city with a local gentleman guide. Thanks for all Masa. :The name of the guide is Masayoshi.

Elise from Australia

Posted on 2024.07.06

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We were in Ueno Park and happened to meet the Emperor and Empress of Japan. AMAZING! TFG is very prepared and organised. :The name of the guide is Miharu.

Elena from Spain

Posted on 2024.07.06

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Yukio ha sido encantador, un excelente guía. Preocupado desde semanas antes del tour porque estuviéramos seguros en Japón, nuestra forma de llegar y como utilizar el transporte público mediante suica. Nos sentimos muy cómodos con él. :The name of the guide is Yukio.

Rovelli from Italy

Posted on 2024.07.06

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Good service. :The name of the guide is Chiyoko.

Rebecca from United States

Posted on 2024.07.06

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AMAZING! We got back to America and we are ready for another trip to Japan. Yoko was a great guide and treated us like her own family on June 14th. She took us to all the areas we had talked about previously and even made sure we had tissues, a fan and other supplies to battle the heat on our tour. We went to Harajuku, the fish market, and himokitazawa. She helped us understand some of the local customs and language and even after the tour was over, provided us with information about places we would be going to next. :The name of the guide is Yoko.

Jillian from Australia

Posted on 2024.07.05

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Shizue went out her way to provide us with a day that took in our interests. She was able to provide us with wonderful information about the places we visited. It was a memorable day. :The name of the guide is Shizue.

Holly from United States

Posted on 2024.07.04

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We absolutely loved Natsuki. She was friendly and welcoming during our communications before our tour date and the day itself. Natsuki really took notice of the interests of our young adult children (19 and 22) and took them to some really fun places. Natsuki introduced us to great traditional foods and Japanese customs as we navigated around Tokyo. Since it was our first day in Japan, Natsuki also taught us about how to navigate the trains which we were very nervous about. Natsuki is such a kind person, and we all loved her! :The name of the guide is Natsuki.  

Wagih from Canada

Posted on 2024.07.04

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We spend our first day in Tokyo on June 26, 2024with our guide Fumi. In fact, Fumi had already communicated with us beforehand to prepare an interesting program for the day. We visited Tsukiji, a Temple,and he made us discover the brown tea and some delicious typical meal and dessert. He gave us pertinent information about Tokyo and living there. He also explained the transportation system so we will be able to manage on our own. To finish the day, Fumi took us to the Robot cafe Dawn. Thanks so much to Fumi and to Tokyo free guide org. :The name of the guide is Fumihiro.

Agnès from France

Posted on 2024.06.13

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Nous avons beaucoup apprécié la visite guidée avec Yumiko, elle est très professionnelle, parle et comprend très bien le français. Elle est très comptétente et nous a donné des informations pertinentes durant notre visite! Elle était à l'écoute de nos souhaits et a trouvé un restaurant qui répondait parfaitement à nos attentes. Généreuse, elle n'a pas compté son temps de visite et a largement dépassé la durée de la journée. Très sympathique, bienveillante, très compétente, elle nous a fait partager une agréable journée! Je recommande vivement Yumiko. Je remercie beaucoup les services très fiables de TFG, sérieux et très professionnels! Merci beaucoup! :The name of the guide is Yumiko.